List of class’s properties in swift

Using Mirror

Here’s a pure Swift solution with some limitations:

protocol PropertyNames {
    func propertyNames() -> [String]

extension PropertyNames
    func propertyNames() -> [String] {
        return Mirror(reflecting: self).children.flatMap { $0.label }

class Person : PropertyNames {
    var name = "Sansa Stark"
    var awesome = true

Person().propertyNames() // ["name", "awesome"]


  • Returns an empty array for Objective-C objects
  • Will not return computed properties, i.e.:

    var favoriteFood: String { return "Lemon Cake" }
  • If self is an instance of a class (vs., say, a struct), this doesn’t report its superclass’s properties, i.e.:

    class Person : PropertyNames {
        var name = "Bruce Wayne"
    class Superhero : Person {
        var hasSuperpowers = true
    Superhero().propertyNames() // ["hasSuperpowers"] — no "name"

    You could work around this using superclassMirror() depending on your desired behavior.

Using class_copyPropertyList

If you’re using Objective-C objects you can use this approach:

var count = UInt32()
let classToInspect = NSURL.self
let properties : UnsafeMutablePointer <objc_property_t> = class_copyPropertyList(classToInspect, &count)
var propertyNames = [String]()
let intCount = Int(count)
for var i = 0; i < intCount; i++ {
    let property : objc_property_t = properties[i]
    guard let propertyName = NSString(UTF8String: property_getName(property)) as? String else {
        debugPrint("Couldn't unwrap property name for \(property)")



The output to the console if classToInspect is NSURL:

["pathComponents", "lastPathComponent", "pathExtension", "URLByDeletingLastPathComponent", "URLByDeletingPathExtension", "URLByStandardizingPath", "URLByResolvingSymlinksInPath", "dataRepresentation", "absoluteString", "relativeString", "baseURL", "absoluteURL", "scheme", "resourceSpecifier", "host", "port", "user", "password", "path", "fragment", "parameterString", "query", "relativePath", "hasDirectoryPath", "fileSystemRepresentation", "fileURL", "standardizedURL", "filePathURL"]

This won’t work in a playground. Just replace NSURL with EachDayCell (or reuse the same logic as an extension) and it should work.

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