load image with openCV Mat c++

I’ve talked about this so many times before, I guess it’s pointless to do it again, but code defensively: if a method/function call can fail, make sure you know when it happens:

Mat I = imread("C:\\images\\apple.jpg", 0);
if (I.empty())
    std::cout << "!!! Failed imread(): image not found" << std::endl;
    // don't let the execution continue, else imshow() will crash.

namedWindow( "Display window", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );// Create a window for display.
imshow( "Display window", I ); 

Note that Windows’ path uses backslash \ instead of the standard / used on *nix systems. You need to escape the backslash when passing the filename: C:\\images\\apple.jpg

Calling waitKey() is mandatory if you use imshow().


If it’s cv::imread() that is throwing the exception the only solution I know to work is downloading OpenCV sources and building it on the machine, since re-installing OpenCV doesn’t fix the issue.

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