matplotlib: drawing lines between points ignoring missing data

You can mask the NaN values this way:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

xs = np.arange(8)
series1 = np.array([1, 3, 3, None, None, 5, 8, 9]).astype(np.double)
s1mask = np.isfinite(series1)
series2 = np.array([2, None, 5, None, 4, None, 3, 2]).astype(np.double)
s2mask = np.isfinite(series2)

plt.plot(xs[s1mask], series1[s1mask], linestyle="-", marker="o")
plt.plot(xs[s2mask], series2[s2mask], linestyle="-", marker="o")

This leads to


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