Meaning of Android Studio error: Not annotated parameter overrides @NonNull parameter

It’s an annotation, but the correct name is NonNull:

protected void onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Bundle outState)

(And also)


The purpose is to allow the compiler to warn when certain assumptions are being violated (such as a parameter of a method that should always have a value, as in this particular case, although there are others). From the Support Annotations documentation:

The @NonNull annotation can be used to indicate that a given parameter
can not be null.

If a local variable is known to be null (for example because some
earlier code checked whether it was null), and you pass that as a
parameter to a method where that parameter is marked as @NonNull, the
IDE will warn you that you have a potential crash.

They are tools for static analysis. Runtime behavior is not altered at all.

In this case, the particular warning is that the original method you’re overriding (in Activity) has a @NonNull annotation on the outState parameter, but you did not include it in the overriding method. Just adding it should fix the issue, i.e.

protected void onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Bundle outState) {

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