Merge by Range in R – Applying Loops

The GenomicRanges package in Bioconductor is designed for this type of operation. Read your data in with, e.g., read.delim so that

con <- textConnection("SNP     BP
rs064   12292
rs319   345367
rs285   700042")
snps <- read.delim(con, head=TRUE, sep="")

con <- textConnection("Gene    BP_start    BP_end
E613    345344      363401
E92     694501      705408
E49     362370      368340") ## missing trailing digit on BP_end??
genes <- read.delim(con, head=TRUE, sep="")

then create ‘IRanges’ out of each

isnps <- with(snps, IRanges(BP, width=1, names=SNP))
igenes <- with(genes, IRanges(BP_start, BP_end, names=Gene))

(pay attention to coordinate systems, IRanges expects start and end to be included in the range; also, end >= start expect for 0-width ranges when end = start – 1). Then find the SNPs (‘query’ in IRanges terminology) that overlap the genes (‘subject’)

olaps <- findOverlaps(isnps, igenes)

two of the SNPs overlap

> queryHits(olaps)
[1] 2 3

and they overlap the first and second genes

> subjectHits(olaps)
[1] 1 2

If a query overlapped multiple genes, it would have been repeated in queryHits (and vice versa). You could then merge your data frames as

> cbind(snps[queryHits(olaps),], genes[subjectHits(olaps),])
    SNP     BP Gene BP_start BP_end
2 rs319 345367 E613   345344 363401
3 rs285 700042  E92   694501 705408

Usually genes and SNPs have chromosome and strand (‘+’, ‘-‘, or ‘*’ to indicate that strand isn’t important) information, and you’d want to do overlaps in the context of these; instead of creating ‘IRanges’ instances, you’d create ‘GRanges’ (genomic ranges) and the subsequent book-keeping would be taken care of for you

isnps <-
    with(snps, GRanges("chrA", IRanges(BP, width=1, names=SNP), "*")
igenes <-
    with(genes, GRanges("chrA", IRanges(BP_start, BP_end, names=Gene), "+"))

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