getting huge, what is the best way to break it up?

It’s natural for model classes to contain methods to operate on the model. If I have a Book model, with a method book.get_noun_count(), that’s where it belongs–I don’t want to have to write “get_noun_count(book)“, unless the method actually intrinsically belongs with some other package. (It might–for example, if I have a package for accessing Amazon’s API with “get_amazon_product_id(book)“.)

I cringed when Django’s documentation suggested putting models in a single file, and I took a few minutes from the very beginning to figure out how to split it into a proper subpackage.

site/models/ looks like:

from .book import Book

so I can still write “from site.models import Book”.

The following is only required for versions prior to Django 1.7, see

The only trick is that you need to explicitly set each model’s application, due to a bug in Django: it assumes that the application name is the third-to-last entry in the model path. “site.models.Book” results in “site”, which is correct; “” makes it think the application name is “models”. This is a pretty nasty hack on Django’s part; it should probably search the list of installed applications for a prefix match.

class Book(models.Model):
    class Meta: app_label = "site"

You could probably use a base class or metaclass to generalize this, but I haven’t bothered with that yet.

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