Monitor process start in the system

There’s a few ways to do this. If you only need to track process creation coming from a specific program (or a few programs), the EasyHook/Detours method mentioned here will work pretty well, but you effectively need to install a hook on CreateProcess into each program, so it’s not a great solution if you want to track all process creation in the system.

There’s a specific API for this in NT-based Windows variants (NT/2000/XP/Vista) called PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine(). Unfortunately, you can only call this function from ring0, so it needs to be done in a driver. There’s a handy explanation (and code) in this CodeProject article:

AFAIK, this is just a notification, and does not by itself allow you to tell the system whether the process should be created or not. However, if you needed to do this, you could pause the process (e.g. by attaching to it as a debugger) while your code decides whether to kill it or not.

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