MSysGit vs. Git for Windows

Are they not the same thing?

On: The title is Git for Windows, the application is msysgit.

Even in the event they are not, I expect the only differences will be in the method of compilation (i.e. compiler used and any options set) and any extraneous packaging (such as having a bash emulating shell as in msysgit). The actual product (Git itself) should remain broadly similar.

Edit: Thanks to Jarrod for pointing this out. I’ve left the above in for posterity. To quote the wiki:

msysGit is the development environment
to compile Git for Windows. It is
complete, in the sense that you just
need to install msysGit, and then you
can build Git. Without installing any
3rd-party software.
msysGit is not Git for Windows; that
is an installer which installs Git —
and only Git.

It is easy to see the difference: the
installers for Git have the prefix
Git-, the msysGit installers have the
prefix msysGit-. Another telltale is
that the msysGit installers come in
two flavors: fullinstall and
netinstall. Further, msysGit does not
install to C:\Program Files by
default. But msysGit comes with gcc,
the GNU C Compiler.

So, the difference between the two projects:

  • msysGit is the msys+mingw environment + everything needed to compile Git yourself, on Windows.
  • Git for Windows is exactly that: Git, compiled for Windows.

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