Multiprocessing useless with urllib2?

Ah here comes yet another discussion about the GIL. Well here’s the thing. Fetching content with urllib2 is going to be mostly IO-bound. Native threading AND multiprocessing will both have the same performance when the task is IO-bound (threading only becomes a problem when it’s CPU-bound). Yes you can speed it up, I’ve done it myself using python threads and something like 10 downloader threads.

Basically you use a producer-consumer model with one thread (or process) producing urls to download, and N threads (or processes) consuming from that queue and making requests to the server.

Here’s some pseudo-code:

# Make sure that the queue is thread-safe!!

def producer(self):
    # Only need one producer, although you could have multiple
    with fh = open('urllist.txt', 'r'):
        for line in fh:

def consumer(self):
    # Fire up N of these babies for some speed
    while True:
        url = self.queue.dequeue()
        dh = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        with fh = open('/dev/null', 'w'): # gotta put it somewhere

Now if you’re downloading very large chunks of data (hundreds of MB) and a single request completely saturates the bandwidth, then yes running multiple downloads is pointless. The reason you run multiple downloads (generally) is because requests are small and have a relatively high latency / overhead.

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