My app working in iphone 5 but not in 3 why? [closed]

The problem is with the new version of Xcode, the default setting of i386 Architectures includes the new iphone 5 armv7s. Some of the items we were linking in, did not include armv7s and we were bugging out. Needed to change the Workspace (in our case) not to be the default arch, but to specify armv7 only.


  1. In Xcode navigate to Build Settings and find Architectures group (it’s on the top, so hard to miss). Add armv6 to Architectures line. It should contain armv6, armv7 or Standard (armv6 armv7)
  2. Set Base SDK to Latest iOS (currently set to iOS …)
  3. Uncheck Build Active Architecture Only or set it to NO.
  4. Valid Architectures must show armv6 armv7 When your project uses
    your own dependent libraries, build them with the same (correct)

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