my else if statement isnt working in my tic tac toe program [duplicate]

if (currentstate == you_win){
        System.out.println("'X' Won!!");
        else if (currentstate == comp_win)
            System.out.println("'O' won!!");
            else if (currentstate == draw)
            System.out.println("It's a Draw :(");

Take a look at this line (and I removed some extraneous code to make this easier to see):

    if (currentstate == you_win){
        else if (currentstate == comp_win)

Looking at it this way, can you see why this is incorrect? Incidentally, this is why you should always use { and }. Do the ifelse like this instead:

if (currentstate == you_win){
      // ...
 else if (currentstate == comp_win) {
     // ...

Or, even better, just use a switch statement:

switch (currentstate) {
       case you_win:
             System.out.println("'X' Won!!");
        case comp_win:
            System.out.println("'O' won!!");

        case draw:
            System.out.println("It's a Draw :(");

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