My javascript is returning this error: $.ajax is not a function

You are using slim version of jQuery. It Doesn’t support ajax Calling.

<script src=""></script>

instead of it.

Slim build

Sometimes you don’t need ajax, or you prefer to use one of the many
standalone libraries that focus on ajax requests. And often it is
simpler to use a combination of CSS and class manipulation for all
your web animations. Along with the regular version of jQuery that
includes the ajax and effects modules, we’ve released a “slim” version
that excludes these modules. All in all, it excludes ajax, effects,
and currently deprecated code. The size of jQuery is very rarely a
load performance concern these days, but the slim build is about 6k
gzipped bytes smaller than the regular version – 23.6k vs 30k. These
files are also available in the npm package and on the CDN:

Referred from jQuery Blog

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