MySQL C# async methods doesn’t work?

Judging from some old code (6.7.2), it appears that the mysql ADO.NET provider does not implement any of the async functionality correctly. This includes the TAP pattern and the older style Begin…, End… async patterns. In that version, the Db* async methods appear to not be written at all; they would be using the base class ones in .NET which are synchronous and all look something like:

public virtual Task<int> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(...) {
    return Task.FromResult(ExecuteNonQuery(...));

(100% synchronous with the added overhead of wrapping it in a task; reference source here)

If the Begin and End versions were written correctly (they aren’t) it could be implemented something like this:

public override Task<int> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(...) {
    return Task<int>.Factory.FromAsync(BeginExecuteNonQueryAsync, EndExecuteNonQueryAsync, null);

(reference source for that method for SqlCommand)

Doing this is dependent on some sort of callback api for the underlying socket to eventually deal with in a pattern where the caller sends some bytes over the socket and then a registered method gets called back from the underlying network stack when it is ready.

However, the mysql connector doesn’t do this (it doesn’t override that method in the first place; but if it did, the relevant begin and end methods aren’t async on some underlying socket api). What the mysql connector does instead is build a delegate to an internal method on the current connection instance and invokes it synchronously on a separate thread. You cannot in the meantime for example execute a second command on the same connection, something like this:

private static void Main() {
    var sw = new Stopwatch();

private static DbCommand GetDelayCommand() {
    var connection = new MySqlConnection (...);
    var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = "SLEEP(5)";
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    return cmd;

(assuming you are connection pooling and the number of tasks there is more than the maximum pool size; if async worked this code would get a number depending on the number of connections in the pool instead of a number depending on both that and the number of threads that can run concurrently)

This is because the code has a lock on the driver (the actual thing that manages the network internals; *). And if it didn’t (and the internals were otherwise thread safe and some other way was used to manage connection pools) it goes on to perform blocking calls on the underlying network stream.

So yeah, no async support in sight for this codebase. I could look at a newer driver if someone could point me to the code, but I suspect the internal NetworkStream based objects do not look significantly different and the async code is not looking much different either. An async supporting driver would have most of the internals written to depend on an asynchronous way of doing it and have a synchronous wrapper for the synchronous code; alternatively it would look a lot more like the SqlClient reference source and depend on some Task wrapping library to abstract away the differences between running synchronously or async.

* locking on driver doesn’t mean it couldn’t possibly be using non-blocking IO, just that the method couldn’t have been written with a lock statement and use the non-blocking Begin/End IAsyncResult code that could have been written prior to TAP patterns.

Edit: downloaded 6.9.8; as suspected there is no functioning async code (non-blocking IO operations); there is a bug filed here:

Update July 6 2016: interesting project on GitHub which may finally address this at (could probably use more contributors that have a stake in its success [I am no longer working on anything with MySql]).

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