mysql select query within a serialized array

As GWW says in the comments, if you need to query things this way, you really ought to be considering storing this data as something other than a big-ole-string (which is what your serialized array is).

If that’s not possible (or you’re just lazy), you can use the fact that the serialized array is just a big-ole-string, and figure out a LIKE clause to find matching records. The way PHP serializes data is pretty easy to figure out (hint: those numbers indicate lengths of things).

Now, if your serialized array is fairly complex, this will break down fast. But if it’s a flat array, you should be able to do it.

Of course, you’ll be using LIKE ‘%…%’, so you’ll get no help from any indicies, and performance will be very poor.

Which is why folks are suggesting you store that data in some normalized fashion, if you need to query “inside” it.

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