ng-selected not working in select element

ng-selected should be used in the <option> tag, not in the <select> tag. Take a closer look at its doc and the example.

Because the select directive’s determination of the selected option is based on ngModel. Therefore, once you remove ng-selected="c.CollegeName == collegeSelection.CollegeName", your code should work.

I created a very simple plunk to demonstrate the “selected” feature in select directive.

More details:

AngularJS uses ngModel directive to enable “two-way data binding” between your model and UI elements.

In the case of “select”, the model collegeSelection you specified as <select ng-model="collegeSelection" ...> is the selected item. Which means if an user selects an item from the dropdown on the page, collegeSelection will be set to that item; and, if you set collegeSelection to an item in your javascript code, AngularJS will make sure that the corresponded <option> is selected.

Say you have the following code in your controller:

$scope.colleges = [
    {id: 0, name: 'a'},
    {id: 1, name: 'b'},
    {id: 2, name: 'c'}

$scope.collegeSelection = $scope.colleges[0];

And the HTML looks like:

<select ng-model="collegeSelection" ng-options="c as for c in colleges"></select>

That’s it! The first college in the colleges array will be selected if you run the code.

Just remember collegeSelection is the selected option, no matter it’s because user selected an item on the UI, or you selected an item in javascript.

That’s how two-way data binding works.

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