Non-Generic TaskCompletionSource or alternative

The method can be changed to:

public Task ShowAlert(object message, string windowTitle)

Task<bool> inherits from Task so you can return Task<bool> while only exposing Task to the caller


I found a Microsoft document,, by Stephen Toub titled ‘The Task-based Asynchronous pattern’ and it has the following excerpt that recommends this same pattern.

There is no non-generic counterpart to TaskCompletionSource<TResult>. However, Task<TResult> derives from Task, and thus the generic TaskCompletionSource<TResult> can be used for I/O-bound methods that simply return a Task by utilizing a source with a dummy TResult (Boolean is a good default choice, and if a developer is concerned about a consumer of the Task downcasting it to a Task<TResult>, a private TResult type may be used)

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