NSubstitute DbSet / IQueryable

This happens because of NSubstitute syntax specific. For example in:

((IQueryable<Blog>) mockSet).Provider.Returns(data.Provider);

NSubstitute calls the Provider’s getter, then it specifies the return value. This getter call isn’t intercepted by the substitute and you get an exception. It happens because of explicit implementation of IQueryable.Provider property in DbQuery class.

You can explicitly create substitutes for multiple interfaces with NSub, and it creates a proxy which covers all specified interfaces. Then calls to the interfaces will be intercepted by the substitute.
Please use the following syntax:

// Create a substitute for DbSet and IQueryable types:
var mockSet = Substitute.For<DbSet<Blog>, IQueryable<Blog>>();
// And then as you do:
((IQueryable<Blog>) mockSet).Provider.Returns(data.Provider);
((IQueryable<Blog>) mockSet).Expression.Returns(data.Expression);
((IQueryable<Blog>) mockSet).ElementType.Returns(data.ElementType);
((IQueryable<Blog>) mockSet).GetEnumerator().Returns(data.GetEnumerator());

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