OpenGL: scale then translate? and how?

In OpenGL, matrices you specify are multiplied to the right of the existing matrix, and the vertex is on the far right of the expression.

Thus, the last operation you specify are in the coordinate system of the geometry itself.
(The first is usually the view transform, i.e. inverse of your camera’s to-world transform.)

Bahbar makes a good point that you need to consider the center point for scaling. (or the pivot point for rotations.) Usually you translate there, rotate/scale, then translate back. (or in general, apply basis transform, the operation, then the inverse). This is called Change of Basis, which you might want to read up on.

Anyway, to get some intuition about how it works, try with some simple values (zero, etc) then alter them slightly (perhaps an animation) and see what happens with the output. Then it’s much easier to see what your transforms are actually doing to your geometry.


That the order is “reversed” w.r.t. intuition is rather common among beginner OpenGL-coders. I’ve been tutoring a computer graphics course and many react in a similar manner. It becomes easier to think about how OpenGL does it if you consider the use of pushmatrix/popmatrix while rendering a tree (scene-graph) of transforms and geometries. Then the current order-of-things becomes rather natural, and the opposite would make it rather difficult to get anything useful done.

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