Parse currency into numbers in Python

Below is a general currency parser that doesn’t rely on the babel library.

import numpy as np
import re

def currency_parser(cur_str):
    # Remove any non-numerical characters
    # except for ',' '.' or '-' (e.g. EUR)
    cur_str = re.sub("[^-0-9.,]", '', cur_str)
    # Remove any 000s separators (either , or .)
    cur_str = re.sub("[.,]", '', cur_str[:-3]) + cur_str[-3:]

    if '.' in list(cur_str[-3:]):
        num = float(cur_str)
    elif ',' in list(cur_str[-3:]):
        num = float(cur_str.replace(',', '.'))
        num = float(cur_str)

    return np.round(num, 2)

Here is a pytest script that tests the function:

import numpy as np
import pytest
import re

def currency_parser(cur_str):
    # Remove any non-numerical characters
    # except for ',' '.' or '-' (e.g. EUR)
    cur_str = re.sub("[^-0-9.,]", '', cur_str)
    # Remove any 000s separators (either , or .)
    cur_str = re.sub("[.,]", '', cur_str[:-3]) + cur_str[-3:]

    if '.' in list(cur_str[-3:]):
        num = float(cur_str)
    elif ',' in list(cur_str[-3:]):
        num = float(cur_str.replace(',', '.'))
        num = float(cur_str)

    return np.round(num, 2)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('currency_str, expected', [
            '.3', 0.30
            '1', 1.00
            '1.3', 1.30
            '43,324', 43324.00
            '3,424', 3424.00
            '-0.00', 0.00
            'EUR433,432.53', 433432.53
            '25.675,26 EUR', 25675.26
            '2.447,93 EUR', 2447.93
            '-540,89EUR', -540.89
            '67.6 EUR', 67.60
            '30.998,63 CHF', 30998.63
            '0,00 CHF', 0.00
            '159.750,00 DKK', 159750.00
            '£ 2.237,85', 2237.85
            '£ 2,237.85', 2237.85
            '-1.876,85 SEK', -1876.85
            '59294325.3', 59294325.30
            '8,53 NOK', 8.53
            '0,09 NOK', 0.09
            '-.9 CZK', -0.9
            '35.255,40 PLN', 35255.40
            '-PLN123.456,78', -123456.78
            'US$123.456,79', 123456.79
            '-PLN123.456,78', -123456.78
            'PLN123.456,79', 123456.79
            'IDR123.457', 123457
            'JP¥123.457', 123457
            '-JP\xc2\xa5123.457', -123457
            'CN\xc2\xa5123.456,79', 123456.79
            '-CN\xc2\xa5123.456,78', -123456.78
def test_currency_parse(currency_str, expected):
    assert currency_parser(currency_str) == expected

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