Perform a typed join in Scala with Spark Datasets


Spark SQL can optimize join only if join condition is based on the equality operator. This means we can consider equijoins and non-equijoins separately.


Equijoin can be implemented in a type safe manner by mapping both Datasets to (key, value) tuples, performing join based on keys, and reshaping the result:

import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoder
import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset

def safeEquiJoin[T, U, K](ds1: Dataset[T], ds2: Dataset[U])
    (f: T => K, g: U => K)
    (implicit e1: Encoder[(K, T)], e2: Encoder[(K, U)], e3: Encoder[(T, U)]) = {
  val ds1_ = => (f(x), x))
  val ds2_ = => (g(x), x))
  ds1_.joinWith(ds2_, ds1_("_1") === ds2_("_1")).map(x => (x._1._2, x._2._2))


Can be expressed using relational algebra operators as R ⋈θ S = σθ(R × S) and converted directly to code.

Spark 2.0

Enable crossJoin and use joinWith with trivially equal predicate:

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled", true)

def safeNonEquiJoin[T, U](ds1: Dataset[T], ds2: Dataset[U])
                         (p: (T, U) => Boolean) = {
  ds1.joinWith(ds2, lit(true)).filter(p.tupled)

Spark 2.1

Use crossJoin method:

def safeNonEquiJoin[T, U](ds1: Dataset[T], ds2: Dataset[U])
    (p: (T, U) => Boolean)
    (implicit e1: Encoder[Tuple1[T]], e2: Encoder[Tuple1[U]], e3: Encoder[(T, U)]) = {[(T, U)].filter(p.tupled)


case class LabeledPoint(label: String, x: Double, y: Double)
case class Category(id: Long, name: String)

val points1 = Seq(LabeledPoint("foo", 1.0, 2.0)).toDS
val points2 = Seq(
  LabeledPoint("bar", 3.0, 5.6), LabeledPoint("foo", -1.0, 3.0)
val categories = Seq(Category(1, "foo"), Category(2, "bar")).toDS

safeEquiJoin(points1, categories)(_.label,
safeNonEquiJoin(points1, points2)(_.x > _.x)


  • It should be noted that these methods are qualtiatively differnt from a direct joinWith application and require expensive DeserializeToObject / SerializeFromObject transformations (compared to that direct joinWith can use logical operations on the data).

    This is similar to the behavior described in Spark 2.0 Dataset vs DataFrame.

  • If you’re not limited to the Spark SQL API frameless provides interesting type safe extensions for Datasets (as of today its supports only Spark 2.0):

    import frameless.TypedDataset
    val typedPoints1 = TypedDataset.create(points1)
    val typedPoints2 = TypedDataset.create(points2)
    typedPoints1.join(typedPoints2, typedPoints1('x), typedPoints2('x))
  • Dataset API is not stable in 1.6 so I don’t think it makes sense to use it there.

  • Of course this design and descriptive names are not necessary. You can easily use type class to add this methods implicitly to Dataset an there is no conflict with built in signatures so both can be called joinWith.

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