Permutation algorithm for array of integers in Java

//Here is a recursive version that was not to hard to commit to human memory ! O(n!) permutations.

public static Set<Integer[]> getPermutationsRecursive(Integer[] num){
    if (num == null)
        return null;

    Set<Integer[]> perms = new HashSet<>();

    //base case
    if (num.length == 0){
        perms.add(new Integer[0]);
        return perms;

    //shave off first int then get sub perms on remaining ints.
    //...then insert the first into each position of each sub perm..recurse

    int first = num[0];
    Integer[] remainder = Arrays.copyOfRange(num,1,num.length);
    Set<Integer[]> subPerms = getPermutationsRecursive(remainder);
    for (Integer[] subPerm: subPerms){
        for (int i=0; i <= subPerm.length; ++i){ // '<='   IMPORTANT !!!
            Integer[] newPerm = Arrays.copyOf(subPerm, subPerm.length+1);
            for (int j=newPerm.length-1; j>i; --j)
                newPerm[j] = newPerm[j-1];

    return perms;

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