Php : Convert a blob into an image file

You can use a few different methods depending on what php image library you have installed. Here’s a few examples.

Note, the echo <img> is just a trick I use to display multiple images from the same php script when looping through a MySQL result resource. You could just as well output via header() as @NAVEED had shown.


$image = imagecreatefromstring($blob); 

ob_start(); //You could also just output the $image via header() and bypass this buffer capture.
imagejpeg($image, null, 80);
$data = ob_get_contents();
echo '<img src="data:image/jpg;base64,' .  base64_encode($data)  . '" />';

ImageMagick (iMagick):

$image = new Imagick();
echo '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' .  base64_encode($image->getimageblob())  . '" />';

GraphicsMagick (gMagick):

$image = new Gmagick();
echo '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' .  base64_encode($image->getimageblob())  . '" />';

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