PHP HTML DOMDocument getElementById problems

The Manual explains why:

For this function to work, you will need either to set some ID attributes with DOMElement->setIdAttribute() or a DTD which defines an attribute to be of type ID. In the later case, you will need to validate your document with DOMDocument->validate() or DOMDocument->validateOnParse before using this function.

By all means, go for valid HTML & provide a DTD.

Quick fixes:

  1. Call $dom->validate(); and put up with the errors (or fix them), afterwards you can use $dom->getElementById(), regardless of the errors for some reason.
  2. Use XPath if you don’t feel like validing: $x = new DOMXPath($dom); $el = $x->query("//*[@id='bid']")->item(0);
  3. Come to think of it: if you just set validateOnParse to true before loading the HTML, if would also work ;P


$dom = new DOMDocument();
<body>Hello <b id="bid">World</b>.</body>
$dom->validateOnParse = true; //<!-- this first
$dom->loadHTML($html);        //'cause 'load' == 'parse

$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;

$belement = $dom->getElementById("bid");
echo $belement->nodeValue;

Outputs ‘World’ here.

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