PHP Redirection with Post Parameters

You CAN header redirect a POST request, and include the POST information. However, you need to explicitly return HTTP status code 307. Browsers treat 302 as a redirect with for GET, ignoring the original method. This is noted explicitly in the HTTP documentation:

Practically, this means in PHP you need to set the status code before the redirect location:

    header('HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect');
    header('Location: anotherpage.php');

However, note that according to the HTTP specification, the user agent MUST ask user if they are ok resubmitting the POST information to the new URL. In practical terms, Chrome doesn’t ask, and neither does Safari, but Firefox will present the user with a popup box confirming the redirection. Depending on your operating constraints, maybe this is ok, although in a general usage case it certainly has the potential to cause confusion for end users.

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