Plotting errors bars from dataframe using Seaborn FacetGrid

When using, anything that refers to the data DataFrame must be passed as a positional argument. This will work in your case because yerr is the third positional argument for plt.errorbar, though to demonstrate I’m going to use the tips dataset:

from scipy import stats
tips_all = sns.load_dataset("tips")
tips_grouped = tips_all.groupby(["smoker", "size"])
tips = tips_grouped.mean()
tips["CI"] = tips_grouped.total_bill.apply(stats.sem) * 1.96

I can then plot using FacetGrid and errorbar:

g = sns.FacetGrid(tips, col="smoker", size=5), "size", "total_bill", "CI", marker="o")

enter image description here

However, keep in mind that the there are seaborn plotting functions for going from a full dataset to plots with errorbars (using bootstrapping), so for a lot of applications this may not be necessary. For example, you could use factorplot:

sns.factorplot("size", "total_bill", col="smoker",
               data=tips_all, kind="point")

enter image description here

Or lmplot:

sns.lmplot("size", "total_bill", col="smoker",
           data=tips_all, fit_reg=False, x_estimator=np.mean)

enter image description here

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