PostgreSQL disable more output

To disable pagination but retain the output, use:

\pset pager off

To remember this setting, add it to your ~/.psqlrc, e.g. like this: echo \\pset pager off >> ~/.psqlrc

See the psql manual.

On older versions of Pg it was just a toggle, so \pset pager

To completely suppress query output, use \o /dev/null in your psql script.

To suppress psql‘s informational output, run it with -q or set QUIET=1 in the environment.

To produce results and throw them away you can redirect stdout to /dev/null with:

psql db -f sql.sql >/dev/null

You can redirect both stdout and stderr with:

psql db -f sql.sql >&/dev/null

but I don’t recommend that, as it’ll throw away error information that might warn you something isn’t going right. You’re also producing results and throwing them away, which is inefficient; you’re better off just not producing them in the first place by adjusting your queries.

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