Prime number function in R

A number a is divisible by a number b if the result of the division a / b is equal to the result of the integer division a %/% b. Any integer pn can be divided by at least two numbers: 1 and pn. Prime numbers are those than can only be divided by those two. Breaking out the code:

  1. pn / 1:pn are the results of the divisions by 1, 2, …, pn
  2. pn %/% 1:pn are the results of the integer divisions by 1, 2, …, pn
  3. sum(pn / 1:pn == pn %/% 1:pn) are how many of these are equal, i.e., the number of integer divisors of pn. If this number is 2, you have a prime.

What was wrong with your code: if needs to test if something is TRUE or FALSE but you were passing it a whole vector. Also, your logic was wrong. It should have been: <- function(num) {
   if (num == 2) {
   } else if (any(num %% 2:(num-1) == 0)) {
   } else { 

And once you’ve settled on returning a logical, you can make your code a lot shorter: <- function(n) n == 2L || all(n %% 2L:max(2,floor(sqrt(n))) != 0)

(which incorporates @Carl’s comment about not checking all numbers.)

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