Proper idiom for adding zero count rows in tidyr/dplyr

Since dplyr 0.8 you can do it by setting the parameter .drop = FALSE in group_by:

X.tidy <- X.raw %>% group_by(x, y, .drop = FALSE) %>% summarise(count=sum(z))
# # A tibble: 4 x 3
# # Groups:   x [2]
#   x     y     count
#   <fct> <fct> <int>
# 1 A     i         1
# 2 A     ii        5
# 3 B     i        15
# 4 B     ii        0

This will keep groups made of all the levels of factor columns so if you have character columns you might want to convert them (thanks to Pate for the note).

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