Properly locking a List in MultiThreaded Scenarios?

I will lock on the _myList itself here since it is private, but using a separate variable is more common. To improve on a few points:

public static class MyClass 
    private static List<string> _myList = new List<string>;
    private static bool _record; 

    public static void StartRecording()
        lock(_myList)   // lock on the list
           _record = true;

    public static IEnumerable<string> StopRecording()
          _record = false;
          // Return a Read-Only copy of the list data
          var result = new List<string>(_myList).AsReadOnly();
          return result;

    public static void DoSomething()
          if(_record) _myList.Add("Test");
        // More, but unrelated actions

Note that this code uses lock(_myList) to synchronize access to both _myList and _record. And you need to sync all actions on those two.

And to agree with the other answers here, lock(_myList) does nothing to _myList, it just uses _myList as a token (presumably as key in a HashSet). All methods must play fair by asking permission using the same token. A method on another thread can still use _myList without locking first, but with unpredictable results.

We can use any token so we often create one specially:

private static object _listLock = new object();

And then use lock(_listLock) instead of lock(_myList) everywhere.

This technique would have been advisable if myList had been public, and it would have been absolutely necessary if you had re-created myList instead of calling Clear().

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