python – regex search and findall

Ok, I see what’s going on… from the docs:

If one or more groups are present in the pattern, return a list of groups;
this will be a list of tuples if the pattern has more than one group.

As it turns out, you do have a group, “(\d+,?)”… so, what it’s returning is the last occurrence of this group, or 000.

One solution is to surround the entire regex by a group, like this

regex = re.compile('((\d+,?)+)')

then, it will return [(‘9,000,000’, ‘000’)], which is a tuple containing both matched groups. of course, you only care about the first one.

Personally, i would use the following regex

regex = re.compile('((\d+,)*\d+)')

to avoid matching stuff like ” this is a bad number 9,123,”


Here’s a way to avoid having to surround the expression by parenthesis or deal with tuples

s = "..."
regex = re.compile('(\d+,?)+')
it = re.finditer(regex, s)

for match in it:

finditer returns an iterator that you can use to access all the matches found. these match objects are the same that returns, so group(0) returns the result you expect.

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