Python: Split NumPy array based on values in the array

You can find the indices where the values differ by using numpy.where and numpy.diff on the first column:

>>> arr = np.array([(1.0, 3.0, 1, 427338.4297000002, 4848489.4332),
 (1.0, 3.0, 2, 427344.7937000003, 4848482.0692),
 (1.0, 3.0, 3, 427346.4297000002, 4848472.7469),
 (1.0, 1.0, 7084, 427345.2709999997, 4848796.592),
 (1.0, 1.0, 7085, 427352.9277999997, 4848790.9351),
 (1.0, 1.0, 7086, 427359.16060000006, 4848787.4332)])
>>> np.split(arr, np.where(np.diff(arr[:,1]))[0]+1)
[array([[  1.00000000e+00,   3.00000000e+00,   1.00000000e+00,
          4.27338430e+05,   4.84848943e+06],
       [  1.00000000e+00,   3.00000000e+00,   2.00000000e+00,
          4.27344794e+05,   4.84848207e+06],
       [  1.00000000e+00,   3.00000000e+00,   3.00000000e+00,
          4.27346430e+05,   4.84847275e+06]]),
 array([[  1.00000000e+00,   1.00000000e+00,   7.08400000e+03,
          4.27345271e+05,   4.84879659e+06],
       [  1.00000000e+00,   1.00000000e+00,   7.08500000e+03,
          4.27352928e+05,   4.84879094e+06],
       [  1.00000000e+00,   1.00000000e+00,   7.08600000e+03,
          4.27359161e+05,   4.84878743e+06]])]


Here first we are going to fetch the items in the second 2 column:

>>> arr[:,1]
array([ 3.,  3.,  3.,  1.,  1.,  1.])

Now to find out where the items actually change we can use numpy.diff:

>>> np.diff(arr[:,1])
array([ 0.,  0., -2.,  0.,  0.])

Any thing non-zero means that the item next to it was different, we can use numpy.where to find the indices of non-zero items and then add 1 to it because the actual index of such item is one more than the returned index:

>>> np.where(np.diff(arr[:,1]))[0]+1

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