RabbitMQ and relationship between channel and connection

  1. A Connection represents a real TCP connection to the message broker, whereas a Channel is a virtual connection (AMQP connection) inside it. This way you can use as many (virtual) connections as you want inside your application without overloading the broker with TCP connections.

  2. You can use one Channel for everything. However, if you have multiple threads, it’s suggested to use a different Channel for each thread.

    Channel thread-safety in Java Client API Guide:

    Channel instances are safe for use by multiple threads. Requests into
    a Channel are serialized, with only one thread being able to run a
    command on the Channel at a time. Even so, applications should prefer
    using a Channel per thread instead of sharing the same Channel across
    multiple threads.

    There is no direct relation between Channel and Queue. A Channel is used to send AMQP commands to the broker. This can be the creation of a queue or similar, but these concepts are not tied together.

  3. Each Consumer runs in its own thread allocated from the consumer thread pool. If multiple Consumers are subscribed to the same Queue, the broker uses round-robin to distribute the messages between them equally. See Tutorial two: “Work Queues”.

    It is also possible to attach the same Consumer to multiple Queues.
    You can understand Consumers as callbacks. These are called everytime a message arrives on a Queue the Consumer is bound to. For the case of the Java Client, each Consumers has a method handleDelivery(...), which represents the callback method. What you typically do is, subclass DefaultConsumer and override handleDelivery(...). Note: If you attach the same Consumer instance to multiple queues, this method will be called by different threads. So take care of synchronization if necessary.

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