Registering packages in Go without cyclic dependency

The standard library solves this problem in multiple ways:

1) Without a “Central” Registry

Example of this is the different hash algorithms. The crypto package just defines the Hash interface (the type and its methods). Concrete implementations are in different packages (actually subfolders but doesn’t need to be) for example crypto/md5 and crypto/sha256.

When you need a “hasher”, you explicitly state which one you want and instantiate that one, e.g.

h1 := md5.New()
h2 := sha256.New()

This is the simplest solution and it also gives you good separation: the hash package does not have to know or worry about implementations.

This is the preferred solution if you know or you can decide which implementation you want prior.

2) With a “Central” Registry

This is basically your proposed solution. Implementations have to register themselves in some way (usually in a package init() function).

An example of this is the image package. The package defines the Image interface and several of its implementations. Different image formats are defined in different packages such as image/gif, image/jpeg and image/png.

The image package has a Decode() function which decodes and returns an Image from the specified io.Reader. Often it is unknown what type of image comes from the reader and so you can’t use the decoder algorithm of a specific image format.

In this case if we want the image decoding mechanism to be extensible, a registration is unavoidable. The cleanest to do this is in package init() functions which is triggered by specifying the blank identifier for the package name when importing.

Note that this solution also gives you the possibility to use a specific implementation to decode an image, the concrete implementations also provide the Decode() function, for example png.Decode().

So the best way?

Depends on what your requirements are. If you know or you can decide which implementation you need, go with #1. If you can’t decide or you don’t know and you need extensibility, go with #2.

…Or go with #3 presented below.

3) Proposing a 3rd Solution: “Custom” Registry

You can still have the convenience of the “central” registry with interface and implementations separated with the expense of “auto-extensibility”.

The idea is that you have the interface in package pi. You have implementations in package pa, pb etc.

And you create a package pf which will have the “factory” methods you want, e.g. pf.NewClient(). The pf package can refer to packages pa, pb, pi without creating a circular dependency.

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