Remote Validation for LIST of MODELs

You have not posted your code for the model or controller, but assuming you have a RemoteAttribute applied to property Username, for example

public class MyModel
  [Remote("IsValidUserName", "Person")]
  public string Username { get; set; }

with a method in PersonController

public JsonResult IsValidUserName(string Username)

and the view

@model List<Person>
@for (var i = 0; i < Model.Count; i++)
  @Html.EditorFor(m => m[i].Username)                           

This will generate html such as

<input name="[0].UserName" ... />
<input name="[1].UserName" ... />

Unfortunately the remote method in jquery-validate posts back the name and value of the element so that the ajax call looks like

  url: '/Person/IsValidUserName',
  data: { [0].UserName: '[email protected]' },

which will not bind.

I have reported this as an issue at Codeplex with a possible solution. In the meantime you can modify the remote method in jquery-validate.js file as follows

remote: function(value, element, param) {
  var data = {};
  // data[] = value;
  data[".") + 1)] = value; // add this

This will strip the prefix so that the posted data is

 data: { UserName: '[email protected]' },

and will correctly bind to the method.

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