Reuse XMLHttpRequest object or create a new one?

You misunderstood W3School’s recommendation. I’ll highlight the relevant part:

If you have more than one AJAX task on your website, you should create ONE standard function for creating the XMLHttpRequest object, and call this for each AJAX task.

It says that you use one AJAX function to fetch requests. This function will deal with the inconsistencies between IE and other browsers. XMLHttpRequest in standard-compliant browsers, and ActiveXObject in IE.

I recommend to use multiple XHR objects. With one global xhr object, your application can only deal with one request at a given time. It’s also error-prone (eg. XMLHttpRequest launches multiple times without initiating the onreadystatechange function).

W3schools meant something like:

function createXHR() {
    try {
        return new XMLHttpRequest();
    } catch (e) {
        try {
            return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        } catch (e) {
            return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
var xhr = createXHR();'get', '/test', true);

Although it’s better to create a function which handles requests, such as jQuery.ajax.

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