Routing controllers in subfolders using CodeIgniter

Do this:

$route['store/(:any)'] = 'frontend/store/$1';
$route['processing/(:any)'] = 'frontend/processing/$1';
$route['profile/(:any)'] = 'frontend/profile/$1';

Same for backend :

$route['backend/(:any)'] = 'backend/authenticate/$1';

You don’t have to create each rule in routes.php for every function of the controller, rather one rule per controller will be enough as mentioned above.

URI Routing : CodeIgniter User Guide

$1 represent the first expression, here (:any) is the expression, you can have multiple expression on each rule, and expression is represented as $1, $2 and so on on the other side.

Similarly, (:num) will match a segment containing only numbers, (:any) will match a segment containing any character, (\d+) will match any digit, ([a-z]+) will match any alpha text.

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