Running django tutorial tests fail – No module named polls.tests

I had exactly the same issue with my Django project:

$ python manage test polls.tests

worked fine whereas the following failed with an import error:

$ python manage test polls
$ python manage test
ImportError: Failed to import test module: mydjango.polls.tests
Traceback (most recent call last):
ImportError: No module named polls.tests

Check carefully the error message: Django’s test runner tries to import the tests from mydjango.polls.tests where mydjango is the name of the root directory (the container for your project).

I fixed this issue by deleting the file in mydjango directory (at the same level than file). This directory is not supposed to be a python module and it seems to mess up with Django’s test runner if it is the case.

So just deleting the file should fix our problem:

$ rm mydjango/

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