Scale SVG to container without mask/crop

  1. You absolutely must have a viewBox attribute on your SVG element that describes the bounding box of the contents you want to be always visible. (The file that you link to does not; you’ll want to add one.)

  2. To cause your SVG to fill an HTML element, put the CSS attribute position:relative (or position:absolute or position:fixed if appropriate) on your wrapper, and then

  3. Set the CSS attribute position:absolute on your <svg> element to cause it to sit inside and fill your div. (If necessary, also apply left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:100%.)

Once you have a viewBox and your SVG sized correctly the default value of the preserveAspectRatio attribute will do what you want. In particular, the default of xMidYMid meet means that:

  • The aspect ratio described by your viewBox will be preserved when rendering.
    By comparison, a value of none would allow non-uniform scaling.
  • The viewBox will always meet either top/bottom or left/right, with ‘letterboxing’ keeping the other dimension inside.
    By comparison, a value of slice ensures that your viewBox fully fills the rendering, with either the top/bottom or left/right falling outside the SVG.
  • The viewBox will be kept vertically and horizontally centered within the SVG viewport.
    By comparison, a value of xMinYMax would keep it in the bottom-left corner, with padding only to the right or top.

You can see this live here:

Try specifying explicit values for preserveAspectRatio on the <svg> element and press “Update” to see how they affect the rendering.

Edit: I’ve created a simplified version of the US Map with a viewBox (almost half the bytes) and used that in an updated demo to suit your exact needs:

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