scheduleAtFixedRate vs scheduleWithFixedDelay

Try adding a Thread.sleep(1000); call within your run() method… Basically it’s the difference between scheduling something based on when the previous execution ends and when it (logically) starts.

For example, suppose I schedule an alarm to go off with a fixed rate of once an hour, and every time it goes off, I have a cup of coffee, which takes 10 minutes. Suppose that starts at midnight, I’d have:

00:00: Start making coffee
00:10: Finish making coffee
01:00: Start making coffee
01:10: Finish making coffee
02:00: Start making coffee
02:10: Finish making coffee

If I schedule with a fixed delay of one hour, I’d have:

00:00: Start making coffee
00:10: Finish making coffee
01:10: Start making coffee
01:20: Finish making coffee
02:20: Start making coffee
02:30: Finish making coffee

Which one you want depends on your task.

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