Scikit Learn GridSearchCV without cross validation (unsupervised learning)

After much searching, I was able to find this thread. It appears that you can get rid of cross validation in GridSearchCV if you use:

cv=[(slice(None), slice(None))]

I have tested this against my own coded version of grid search without cross validation and I get the same results from both methods. I am posting this answer to my own question in case others have the same issue.

Edit: to answer jjrr’s question in the comments, here is an example use case:

from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score as sc

def cv_silhouette_scorer(estimator, X):
    cluster_labels = estimator.labels_
    num_labels = len(set(cluster_labels))
    num_samples = len(X.index)
    if num_labels == 1 or num_labels == num_samples:
        return -1
        return sc(X, cluster_labels)

cv = [(slice(None), slice(None))]
gs = GridSearchCV(estimator=sklearn.cluster.MeanShift(), param_grid=param_dict, 
                  scoring=cv_silhouette_scorer, cv=cv, n_jobs=-1)[cols_of_interest])

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