Scraping with rvest – complete with NAs when tag is not present

Using the XML package parse the input with xmlTreeParse and then use xpathSApply to interate over the product_price class div nodes. For each such node the anonyous function gets the value of the div and p subnodes. The resulting character matrix m is reworked into a data frame DF and the columns are cleaned removing any character that is not a dot or digit and also removing any dot followed by a non-digit. Copnvert result to numeric. Note that no special processing for the missing p case is needed.

# input

Lines <- '<html>

<div class="product_price" id="product_price_186251">
  <p class="normal_encontrado">
    S/. 2,799.00

  <div id="WC_CatalogEntryDBThumbnailDisplayJSPF_10461_div_10" class="price">
    S/. 2,299.00

<div class="product_price" id="product_price_232046">
  <div id="WC_CatalogEntryDBThumbnailDisplayJSPF_10461_div_10" class="price">
    S/. 4,999.00

# code to read input and produce a data.frame

doc <- xmlTreeParse(Lines, asText = TRUE, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

m <- xpathSApply(doc, "//div[@class="product_price"]", function(node) {
  list(p = xmlValue(node[["p"]]), div = xmlValue(node[["div"]])) })

DF <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # rework into data frame
DF[] <- lapply(DF, function(x) as.numeric(gsub("[^.0-9]|[.]\\D", "", x))) # clean

The result is:

> DF
     p  div
1 2799 2299
2   NA 4999

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