Search a javascript object for a property with a specific value?

Something simple like this should work:

var testObj = {
    test: 'testValue',
    test1: 'testValue1',
    test2: {
        test2a: 'testValue',
        test2b: 'testValue1'

function searchObj (obj, query) {

    for (var key in obj) {
        var value = obj[key];

        if (typeof value === 'object') {
            searchObj(value, query);

        if (value === query) {
            console.log('property=' + key + ' value=" + value);



If you execute searchObj(testObj, "testValue'); it will log the following to the console:

property=test value=testValue
property=test2a value=testValue

Obviously, you can replace the console.log with whatever you want, or add a callback parameter to the searchObj function to make it more reusable.

EDIT: Added the query parameter which allows you to specify the value you want to search for when you call the function.

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