Searching an excel with two search words (multiple lookup) using vba macro [closed]

You are looking for a Lookup with multiple criteria. A quick search gives several useful links, listed below. I have marked with * those that I have answered.
I have filtered out some of the links that actually deal with other issues.

As seen in the links, there are several options to achieve your goal. I personally prefer those that do not need array formulas, using an answer to question 1 with LOOKUP or an answer to question 2 with SUMPRODUCT.

Since you mentioned that you need a VBA solution, you can use WorksheetFunction to use an Excel formula in VBA code, or check answers to question 7.

  1. Multiple Column vs Multiple Column Lookup *

  2. Multiple-column based lookups in Excel *

  3. Lookup Database (Multiple criteria)

  4. Excel Lookup with multiple queries

  5. Multiple VLOOKUP LOOKUP IF Statement?

  6. Returning a value if three columns match in excel *

  7. VLookup multiple columns

  8. Comparing two columns in one Excel sheet, to two columns in another sheet, and if they match, copy data from another column *

  9. Macro for vlookup with 2 vertical criteria *






PS: The (probably partial) list of (probably) duplicated questions provided above shows the usefulness of what was proposed in

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