Select (retrieve) all records from multiple schemas using Postgres

With inheritance like @Denis mentioned, this would be very simple. Works for Postgres 8.4, too. Be sure to consider the limitations.

Basically, you would have a master table, I suppose in a master schema:

CREATE TABLE master.product (title text);

And all other tables in various schemata inherit from it, possibly adding more local columns:

CREATE TABLE a.product (product_id serial PRIMARY KEY, col2 text)
INHERITS (master.product);

CREATE TABLE b.product (product_id serial PRIMARY KEY, col2 text, col3 text)
INHERITS (master.product);


The tables don’t have to share the same name or schema.
Then you can query all tables in a single fell swoop:

SELECT title, tableoid::regclass::text AS source
FROM   master.product
WHERE  title ILIKE '%test%';

That’s a handy way to tell the source of each row. Details:

SQL Fiddle.

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