Serializing Foreign Key objects in Django

I had a similar requirement although not for RESTful purposes. I was able to achieve what I needed by using a “full” serializing module, in my case Django Full Serializers. This is part of wadofstuff and is distributed under the new BSD license.

Wadofstuff makes this quite easy. For e.g. in your case you’d need to do the following:

First, install wadofstuff.

Second, add the following setting to your file:

    'json': 'wadofstuff.django.serializers.json'

Third, make a slight change to the code used for serialization:

artifact = Artifact.objects.select_related().get(pk=pk)
serializers.serialize( "json", [ artifact ], indent = 4, 
    relations = ('object_type', 'individual',))

The key change is the relations keyword parameter. The only (minor) gotcha is to use the name of the fields forming the relation not the names of the related models.


From the documentation:

The Wad of Stuff serializers are 100% compatible with the Django serializers when serializing a model. When deserializing a data stream the the Deserializer class currently only works with serialized data returned by the standard Django serializers.

(Emphasis added)

Hope this helps.

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