shared_ptr is to weak_ptr as unique_ptr is to… what?

The “notify” behavior of shared_ptr requires reference counting the reference count control block. shared_ptr‘s reference count control block(s) use separate reference counts for this. weak_ptr instances maintain references to this block, and weak_ptrs themselves prevent the reference count control block from being deleteed. The pointed-to object has its destructor called when the strong count goes to zero (which may or may not result in deleteion of the memory where that object was stored), and the control block is deleteed only when the weak reference count goes to zero.

unique_ptr‘s tenet is that it has zero overhead over a plain pointer. Allocating and maintaining reference count control blocks (to support weak_ptr-ish semantics) breaks that tenet. If you need behavior of that description, then you really want shared semantics, even if other references to the object are non-owning. There’s still sharing going on in that case — the sharing of the state of whether or not the object has been destroyed.

If you need a generic nonowning reference and don’t need notification, use plain pointers or plain references to the item in the unique_ptr.


In the case of your example, it looks like Victim should ask for a Trebuchet& rather than a Trebuchet*. Then it’s clear who owns the object in question.

class World

    Trebuchet& trebuchet() const { return *m_trebuchet.get(); }

    std::unique_ptr< Trebuchet > m_trebuchet;

class Victim
    Victim( Trebuchet& theTrebuchet ) : m_trebuchet( theTrebuchet ) {}

        delete m_trebuchet;     // Compiler error. :)


    Trebuchet& m_trebuchet;    // Non-owning.

shared_ptr< Victim > createVictim( World& world )
    return make_shared< Victim >( world.trebuchet() );

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