Should I use Elements or Attributes in XML? [duplicate]

Usage of attributes or elements is usually decided by the data you are trying to model.

For instance, if a certain entity is PART of the data, then it is advisable to make it an element. For example the name of the employee is an essential part of the employee data.

Now if you want to convey METADATA about data (something that provides additional information about the data) but is not really part of the data, then it is better to make it an attribute.
For instance, lets say each employee has a GUID needed for back end processing, then making it an attribute is better.(GUID is not something that conveys really useful information to someone looking at the xml, but might be necessary for other purposes)

There is no rule as such that says something should be an attribute or a element.

Its not necessary to AVOID attributes at all costs..Sometimes they are easier to model, than elements. It really depends on the data you are trying to represent.

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