Shrinking font-size at a user types to fit in an input using Javascript

I’ve done this in the past using jQuery. You can measure the size of a piece of text like this:

// txt is the text to measure, font is the full CSS font declaration,
// e.g. "bold 12px Verdana"
function measureText(txt, font) {
    var id = 'text-width-tester',
        $tag = $('#' + id);
    if (!$tag.length) {
        $tag = $('<span id="' + id + '" style="display:none;font:' + font + ';">' + txt + '</span>');
    } else {
    return {
        width: $tag.width(),
        height: $tag.height()

var size = measureText("spam", "bold 12px Verdana");
console.log(size.width + ' x ' + size.height); // 35 x 12.6

In order to fit this to a given space, it’s a little trickier – you need to separate out the font-size declaration and scale it appropriately. Depending on how you’re doing things, this might be easiest if you break out the different parts of the font declaration. A resize function might look like this (again, obviously, this is jQuery-dependent):

function shrinkToFill(input, fontSize, fontWeight, fontFamily) {
    var $input = $(input),
        txt = $input.val(),
        maxWidth = $input.width() + 5, // add some padding
        font = fontWeight + " " + fontSize + "px " + fontFamily;
    // see how big the text is at the default size
    var textWidth = measureText(txt, font).width;
    if (textWidth > maxWidth) {
        // if it's too big, calculate a new font size
        // the extra .9 here makes up for some over-measures
        fontSize = fontSize * maxWidth / textWidth * .9;
        font = fontWeight + " " + fontSize + "px " + fontFamily;
        // and set the style on the input
    } else {
        // in case the font size has been set small and 
        // the text was then deleted

You can see this in action here:

Testing seems to show that this is a little jumpy, at least in Google Chrome, because only full-integer font sizes are used. You might be able to do better with a em-based font declaration, though this might be a little tricky – you’d need to ensure that the 1em size for the text width tester is the same as that for the input.

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