Signal handling in pthreads

There are several problems with your code:

  • ptr is not initialised, so all the ptr-> parts will crash the program
  • you are calling pthread_kill() immediately, very likely before the signal handler has been installed, and in a thread (which has unspecified behaviour)
  • you call printf() from a signal handler, which is not guaranteed to work (see man 7 signal for a list of safe functions)

This will work a lot better, though you’d still need proper thread synchronisation, and as stated elsewhere, you should use sigaction():

#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct data
 char name[10];
 int age;

void sig_func(int sig)
 write(1, "Caught signal 11\n", 17);

void func(data *p)
 fprintf(stderr, "This is from thread function\n");
 strcpy(p->name,"Mr. Linux");
 sleep(2); // Sleep to catch the signal

int main()
 pthread_t tid;
 pthread_attr_t attr;
 data d;
 data *ptr = &d;

 signal(SIGSEGV,sig_func); // Register signal handler before going multithread
 sleep(1); // Leave time for initialisation

 fprintf(stderr, "Name:%s\n",ptr->name);
 fprintf(stderr, "Age:%d\n",ptr->age);

Edit: install sighandler in main thread

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