Spark SQL window function with complex condition

Spark >= 3.2

Recent Spark releases provide native support for session windows in both batch and structured streaming queries (see SPARK-10816 and its sub-tasks, especially SPARK-34893).

The official documentation provides nice usage example.

Spark < 3.2

Here is the trick. Import a bunch of functions:

import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{coalesce, datediff, lag, lit, min, sum}

Define windows:

val userWindow = Window.partitionBy("user_name").orderBy("login_date")
val userSessionWindow = Window.partitionBy("user_name", "session")

Find the points where new sessions starts:

val newSession =  (coalesce(
  datediff($"login_date", lag($"login_date", 1).over(userWindow)),
) > 5).cast("bigint")

val sessionized = df.withColumn("session", sum(newSession).over(userWindow))

Find the earliest date per session:

val result = sessionized
  .withColumn("became_active", min($"login_date").over(userSessionWindow))

With dataset defined as:

val df = Seq(
  ("SirChillingtonIV", "2012-01-04"), ("Booooooo99900098", "2012-01-04"),
  ("Booooooo99900098", "2012-01-06"), ("OprahWinfreyJr", "2012-01-10"), 
  ("SirChillingtonIV", "2012-01-11"), ("SirChillingtonIV", "2012-01-14"),
  ("SirChillingtonIV", "2012-08-11")
).toDF("user_name", "login_date")

The result is:

|       user_name|login_date|became_active|
|  OprahWinfreyJr|2012-01-10|   2012-01-10|
|SirChillingtonIV|2012-01-04|   2012-01-04| <- The first session for user
|SirChillingtonIV|2012-01-11|   2012-01-11| <- The second session for user
|SirChillingtonIV|2012-01-14|   2012-01-11| 
|SirChillingtonIV|2012-08-11|   2012-08-11| <- The third session for user
|Booooooo99900098|2012-01-04|   2012-01-04|
|Booooooo99900098|2012-01-06|   2012-01-04|

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